Attack Of The Cosmic Egg Boss Mac OS
- Attack Of The Cosmic Egg Boss Mac Os Catalina
- Attack Of The Cosmic Egg Boss Mac Os X
- Attack Of The Cosmic Egg Boss Mac Os 11
- Attack Of The Cosmic Egg Boss Mac Os Catalina
- Attack Of The Cosmic Egg Boss Mac Os Download
How to do Cosmic Egg
Batman: Arkham City is a video game for the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Mac, Windows, Wii U, and IOS, and is based on DC Comics' Batman. It is developed by Rocksteady Studios and published by DC Entertainment and Warner Bros. It is the sequel to Batman: Arkham Asylum. The premise revolves around a large section of Gotham City being walled off and turned into a penal colony called Arkham.
Cosmic Egg, Cincinnati. 1,238 likes 1 talking about this 33 were here. The physical store has been sold but the Cosmic Egg lives here on this page and in the private auction group. Cosmic Egg is the second studio album by Australian rock band Wolfmother, released on 23 October 2009.It is the first album by the second lineup of the band, featuring vocalist, songwriter and lead guitarist Andrew Stockdale, bassist and keyboardist Ian Peres, rhythm guitarist Aidan Nemeth and drummer Dave Atkins, formed in 2009 after original members Chris Ross and Myles Heskett left in.
The below cues and yoga sequences added by yoga teachers show multiple ways to do Cosmic Egg depending on the focus of your yoga sequence and the ability of your students.
Attack Of The Cosmic Egg Boss Mac Os Catalina
To view the complete steps and corresponding yoga sequence, please consider signing-up to yoga sequence builder that is trusted by yoga teachers worldwide to plan their yoga classes. Learn more.
Universal Transmissions IX - The Cosmic Egg The Creation process of the Ninth installment of the Universal Transmissions series inspired by the syncretic cos. Diablo II, the sequel to the popular game Diablo, is a dark, fantasy-themed action role-playing game in a hack-and-slash or 'dungeon roaming' style. After the Stress Test in spring 2000, it was released for both Microsoft Windows and Mac OS in the summer 2000 by Blizzard Entertainment.
Attack Of The Cosmic Egg Boss Mac Os X
- -go sit on bottom and tuck in your knees to chest
-gently place hands on knees
-balance with butt - ON LAND
A. Release from Diver's Pose and come to sit on the floor.
B. Inhale and bring the knees bending the legs close to you pressing them against the chest.
C. Balance the feet off the floor, pressing the thighs, while holding them within your arms. Extend the spine and sit balancing on th... - From a seated pose, how bend your knees while placing the feet close to you.
Inhale and hold your knees within your arms, pressing the thighs and the knees close to your chest, and exhale. If you can't reach your arms around your knees, you can hold behind your knees or use a strap or other prop.... - Inhale, Pull Belly and Thighs towards each other.
Exhale to empty belly.
Pull Belly and Thighs to each other again. In and Up.
Repeat 10 breaths - From a seated pose, how bend your knees while placing the feet close to you.
Inhale and hold your knees within your arms, pressing the thighs and the knees close to your chest, and exhale. If you can't reach your arms around your knees, you can hold behind your knees or use a strap or other prop.... - Next we are going to move into a cosmic egg.
Move into an upright seated position. Bend the knees while placing the feet close to you. Inhale hold the knees within your arms(giving yourslef a little hug, pressing the thighs and the knees close to your chest, and exhale.
Inhale again and slowly ... - Balancing on sitting bones, engage the core. Drop the gaze and take the attention inward. (Discuss Pratyahara)
- Releasing move into an upright seated position. Bend the knees while placing the feet close to you. Inhale hold the knees within your arms, pressing the thighs and the knees close to your chest, and exhale.
Inhale again and slowly lift the feet off the floor, balancing the entire body on the two ... - Ziehe aus dem Langsitz beide Fersen so nah wie möglich an dein Gesäß. Umschlinge die Knie mit beiden Armen. Der Rücken darf sich runden. Hebe erst die Fersen dann auch die Zehen vom Boden weg und balanciere auf den Sitzbeinknochen. Wenn es sich angenehm anfühlt senke die Stirn auf die Knie.
- Changement de position
Assoyez-vous au sol
Amenez vos talons proches de vos fessiers
Enlacez vos genoux
Si votre corps en ressent le besoin, vous pouvez effectuez un léger mouvement de bascule (avant-arrière)
Nous sommes en contre-posture,
notre objectif est de ramener le corps dans l'équilibr... - Abraza tus rodillas al frente y explora tu equilibro elevando tus pies del piso. Puedes jugar un poco rodando hacia atrás y regresando al equilibrio.
5 - 8 Respiraciones - Hugging the arms around the knees, pull them in towards the chest as we lift our feet off the floor or leave your feet on the ground. Balance on seat bones as you slowly breathe in and out through the nostrils. If it feels comfortable for you, maybe even rest the forehead on the knees.
After the practice of Gate Pose, sit down here in Cosmic Egg or Brahmandasana, to contract all the various muscles that were put to work, acting like a COUNTER movement.
Placing blocks below your feet is OK. Stay here to relax completely for about 12 breath... - A. Come to sit on the floor.
B. Inhale and bring the knees bending the legs close to you pressing them against the chest.
C. Balance the feet off the floor, pressing the thighs, while holding them within your arms. Extend the spine and sit balancing on the sit bones.
D. Stay here for about 12 bre... - Gentle sit back then come into Cosmic Egg pose. Explore balancing on sitting bones.
- Hugging the arms around the knees, pull them in towards the chest as we lift our feet off the floor or leave your feet on the ground. Balance on seat bones as you slowly breathe in and out through the nostrils. If it feels comfortable for you, maybe even rest the forehead on the knees.
- Siéntate en el suelo y flexiona las rodillas, abrazándolas firmemente.
- Hug both knees into chest with a straight spine. Lift feet off of floor (modification to leave feet on floor)
- Bring your knees close in towards your buttocks.
Hug your knees.
Lift your head and chest and ensure your back is in neutral.
Lift your feet gently off the ground and find your balance point. - The transition from deep rest options 1/2/3/4
Holding yourself here - perhaps even rest your head on knees feeling the support of the body. - Bring your knees together, hugging them into your chest.
Wrap your arms around your legs
Engage the abdominal muscles to support your back
If it is comfortable for you, find a comfortable position to rest your forehead on your knees as you round your back - A partir de dandasana, la posture du bâton, posez les plantes des pieds sur le tapis puis rapprochez les genoux en les serrant contre la poitrine.
Enroulez vos bras autour des jambes pour tenir en équilibre
Engagez les muscles abdominaux pour éviter de vous blesser au dos
Si cela vous convient, t... - Bring your knees together, hugging them into your chest.
* Wrap your arms around your legs to hold
* Engage the abdominal muscles to avoid injuring your back
* If it is comfortable for you, find a comfortable position to rest your forehead on your knees as you round your back - Bring both legs forward as if you are going into Staff pose, from here put both feet on the floor and then
* Bring your knees together, hugging them into your chest.
* Wrap your arms around your legs to hold
* Engage the abdominal muscles to avoid injuring your back
* If it is comfortable for yo... - Do this on your back, rolling backwards and forwards or side to side to massage the spine. Neck lengthened.
- Engage Core and Let Feet Dangle
- Prochaine INSP, ramenez les genous vers la poitrine et les serrer contre vous.
EXPIREZ en relachant la tête sur les genoux
Relâchez les pressions
Reposez vous dans cette position
VARIATIONS : vous pouvez avoir les pieds au sol ou légèrement en suspend
+ permet de libérer les gaz
+ perme... - Abraza las rodillas, deja caer cabeza y descansa,
libera compresión lumbar - A. Using the abdominal strength helps to release blocked gas within the body and keeps the body light.
B. That is the reason they say yoga practice should always be done empty stomach to have a light body.
C. Seated in Cosmic Egg pose, presses the abdomen and keeps it light and loose. Holding ... - * Start in a seated position, knees bent and feet on the floor.
* Bring your knees together, hugging them into your chest.
* Wrap your arms around your legs to hold
* Engage the abdominal muscles to avoid injuring your back
* If it is comfortable for you, find a comfortable position to rest your... - À l'expire on serre les genoux, à l'inspire on laisse aller
- Come down to sitting and tuck your legs up to your chin, and cuddle your knees for a bigger hug in celebration!!
- A. Come to sit on your sit bones, bringing your knees close to your chest and focusing on breathing. Tighten your abdomen to remain balanced, bringing your hips down towards the ground.
C. Seated in Cosmic Egg pose, holding this pose for 30 seconds, keep the breathing in smooth to help you hold b... - Manteniendo bien estirada la columna y el peso en los isquiones, inclínate un poco hacia atrás, hasta que los pies se despeguen del suelo
- Using the abdominal strength helps to release blocked gas within the body and keeps the body light.
That is the reason they say yoga practice should always be done empty stomach to have a light body.
Seated in Cosmic Egg pose, presses the abdomen and keeps it light and loose. Holding this pose for... - She rools to the March Hair and finds a table set for tea
- Bring knees into chest and wrap arms around them, giving yourself a big hug. You can roll back and forth as needed, allowing for any little spinal adjustments.
- Bring head to knees and focus on the counterpose to the twists and stretches of the spine.
- Hug both knees into your chest and let your head come to a comfortable rest on your knees
Let your neck go and feel your energy draw into your center - R. O uso da força abdominal ajuda a liberar gás bloqueado no corpo e mantém o corpo leve.
B. Essa é a razão pela qual eles dizem que a prática de ioga sempre deve ser feita com o estômago vazio para ter um corpo leve.
C. Sentado em posição de ovo cósmico, pressiona o abdômen e o mantém leve e ... - Hug Arms around Knees
Pull Knees Towards Chest
Feet Lift Off Floor
Balance on Sit Bones
If Comfortable Rest Forehead on Knees
Hold 5 Breaths - Bend knees to chest, hugging arms around the knees, pull knees in towards the chest and lift feet off the floor.
Balance on seat bones as you slowly breathe in and out through the nostrils. You can even rest your forehead on the knees. - CONTRACTING THE MUSCLES AND RELAXING
From a kneeling position, come to a seated position, extend legs
Bend knees to chest, hugging arms around the knees, pull kneesin towards the chest and lift feet off the floor. Balance on seat bones as you slowly breathe in and out through the nostrils. If i... - Bring knees into the chest, holding onto shins or crossing the feet and holding the outside edges of the few. Take the weight back so that you come to balancing on your sitting bones. Release the neck, bringing the chin towards the chest.
- Hug shins towards trunk to lift out of the chest. Engages abdominals. Keep spine long and aligned.
- Hugging the arms around the knees, pull them in towards the chest as we lift our feet off the floor. Balance on seat bones as you slowly breathe in and out through the nostrils. If it feels comfortable for you, maybe even rest the forehead on the knees.
Hold for thirty seconds if possible. - CONTRACTING THE MUSCLES AND RELAXING
A. After the practice of Gate Pose, sit down here in Cosmic Egg or Brahmandasana, to contract all the various muscles that were put to work, acting like a COUNTER movement.
B. Placing blocks below your feet is OK. Stay here to relax completely for about 12 br... - From this pose stretched out one leg and raised it as high as we could. Repeated on the other side. Very intense on the thigh muscles.
- there was a nest containing precious eggs
- Consolidating the practice by diving completely inwards
BENEFITS: relaxes the nervous system
Close the eyes and gently rock forwards and backwards
Encourage reflection on the peace they have hopefully found in the practice today
CONTRAINDICATIONS: pregnancy, surgery on any internal organ... - cosmic egg - AUGEN schliessen
WS vorstellen - ATEM in sushuma : sammelt sich am unteren ENDE
EIN Energie fliesst die WS hoch Erfrischung
AUS Energie fliesst WS runter Reinigung
sitzendes Kind - Knuffel de armen rond de knieën en trek ze naar de borst als we onze voeten van de vloer heffen. Evenwicht terwijl je langzaam in en uitademt door de neusgaten. Als het voor jou comfortabel aanvoelt, laat dan misschien je voorhoofd op de knieën rusten.
Bekijk volgorde - bending both knees bring them in towards the chest. release the head towards the knees and we're going to inhale and on the exhale release back rocking back and forth in rocking cosmic egg...repeat 3 times and rock back up to standing if possible.
- Balance by lifting from the pelvic floor into the abdominals.
- Come to sit on to the floor and hug your knees towards the chest lifting the fit off the floor in squeeze to legs in. Then lie on your back hug the knees to chest then rock side to side then extend you legs to feet open more than hip width apart arms on the side of the body then rest for 5 minutes
- Connect and listen to you body. Cosmic Egg is a listening pose. What is your body telling you? Breathe.
- kolena k sobě, čelo ke kolenům, propnout ruce dopředu
5 x se pohoupat na páteři - Hug shins towards trunk to lift out of the chest. Engages abdominals. Keep spine long and aligned.
- Come to a seated position.
Bring your heels close to your body, gently wrapping your arms around your knees.
Relax into this COUNTER movement. - Hugging the arms around the knees, pull them in towards the chest as we lift our feet off the floor. Balance as you slowly breathe in and out through the nostrils. If it feels comfortable for you, maybe even rest the forehead on the knees.
- 6. Transición - desde el piso
Observa cómo está tu respiración, si algo cambio.
Ahora lleva tus rodillas al pecho. - 15. Transición
Para salir de Paschimottanasana, lleva tus rodillas hacia el pecho tomándolas con tus brazos - Para salir de Balasana coloca tus glúteos sobre el piso llevando tus rodillas hacia el pecho
- 15. Transición
Para salir de Dandasana, llevas tus rodillas hacia el pecho abrazándolas con tus brazos - Observa cómo está tu respiración, si algo cambio.
Ahora lleva tus rodillas al pecho. - BEGIN TO RELAX - HOLD STILL BE
the universal egg - can tuck chin to chest stretch back fascia
inhale then exhale - forehead to knees - HOLD STILL BE
the universal egg - can tuck chin to chest stretch back fascia
inhale then exhale - forehead to knees - A. Moving a little deeper, with focus towards strength and balance, the next pose will help.
B. Seated after taking rest, releasing from Staff Hand to Big Toe Pose, show them how to bend the knees while placing the feet close to you.
C. Inhale hold the knees within your arms, pressing the th... - Fully pull the knees toward your chest into a ball, rocking back and forth
- 5. Transición -
Observa cómo está tu respiración, si algo cambio.
Ahora lleva tus rodillas al pecho. - A. Using the abdominal strength helps to release blocked gas within the body and keeps the body light.
B. That is the reason they say yoga practice should always be done empty stomach to have a light body.
C. Hugging the knees into the chest presses the abdomen and keeps it light and loose. Ho... - 손바닥 한뼘한뼘 다리쪽으로 가지고 와 상체를 들고
양다리를 모아서 털어줍니다.
양무릎을 굽혀 복부쪽으로 당겨와
양팔로 무릎 감싸서 잡아줍니다.
A. After the practice of Gate Pose, sit down here in Cosmic Egg or Brahmandasana, to contract all the various muscles that were put to work, acting like a COUNTER movement.
B. Placing blocks below your feet is OK. Stay here to relax completely for about 12 ... - Hug the knees to the chest for 5 breaths
gentle squeeze. - Hugging the arms around the knees, pull them in towards the chest as we lift our feet off the floor. Balance as you slowly breathe in and out through the nostrils. If it feels comfortable for you, maybe even rest the forehead on the knees.
- Release the forward bend.
Hug the knees to the chest for 5 breaths - Feel the peace that comes when the space element is in balance. You feel anchored in the present moment. Take another deep breath in and let go.
- Exhale - bringing arms down, knees to chest, wrapping your arms around knees for a gentle squeeze.
Inhale - open mouth exhale
2X - A. Using the abdominal strength helps to release blocked gas within the body and keeps the body light.
B. That is the reason they say yoga practice should always be done empty stomach to have a light body.
C. Seated in Cosmic Egg pose, presses the abdomen and keeps it light and loose. Holding ... - Puxamos os nossos joelhos ao peito, bem próximo de nós, como se estivessemos dentro de um ovo. Se possível levantamos o nosso rabinho do chão, e ficamos apoiados nos nossos pés. Se não for possível as mãos ajudam.
- roll up / feet plant down
hands behind hips / fingertips point toward hips - Hugging the arms around the knees, pull them in towards the chest as we lift our feet off the floor. Balance as you slowly breathe in and out through the nostrils. If it feels comfortable for you, maybe even rest the forehead on the knees. This is our Cosmic Egg, Brahmandasana. Set an intention here...
- A. Using the abdominal strength helps to release blocked gas within the body and keeps the body light.
B. That is the reason they say yoga practice should always be done empty stomach to have a light body.
C. Seated in Cosmic Egg pose, presses the abdomen and keeps it light and loose. Holding ... - Hugging the arms around the knees, pulling them into the chest
Chin dips down, forehead to knees - Hugging knees to your chest, lift the feet off of the floor. Balance as you slowly breathe in and out through the nose.
- Hugging knees to your chest, lift the feet off of the floor. Balance as you slowly breathe in and out through the nose
- Hugs those knees and let those toes off the ground, finding that balancing human cosmic egg ;) I think the title of this pose is funny. Lol
- Hugging knees, lift the feet off of the floor. Balance as you slowly breathe in and out through the nose.
Bend both knees into the chest and plant feet to the ground... give yourself a hug relaxing your head to your knees.
slow the breath , connecting you to your energy, grounding through your feet, 5 deep breaths t... - on your exhale come into a hug and hold this for 2 breaths
Bend both knees into the chest and plant feet to the ground... give yourself a hug relaxing your head to your knees.
slow the breath - The Cosmic Egg! Set your intention
- Remember, we are all just cosmic eggs! Give yourself a hug
- Bend both knees into the chest and plant feet to the ground... give yourself a hug relaxing your head to your knees.
slow the breath - Introduction to navasana/boat pose, also seen in pilates. Requires hip flexor strength and full pose needs hamstring flexibility so quite difficult. These are simple modifications
- crossing the ankles
rocking forward
coming to all 4's - (Feet on floor)
Strength in the powerful hip flexors with boat pose - ON LAND
A. Release from Diver's Pose and come to sit on the floor.
B. Inhale and bring the knees bending the legs close to you pressing them against the chest.
C. Balance the feet off the floor, pressing the thighs, while holding them within your arms. Extend the spine and sit balancing on th... - Balancing on your sit bones with knees held into your chest.
Inhale as you bring the feet of the floor and draw knees into chest, hugging them with your hands.
Breathe steadily as you balance for 6 full breaths. - roll up to seated and then back down - exhale as you lift inhale as you lower. count 20x
- -lets rock and roll up to sit
-sitting up nice and tall
-bringing your knees into your chest
-hugging your knees
-lets hug a little tighter! - Hold the knees in, lengthen spine up. Hold for 3 breaths, repeat.
- Hugging the knees, rocking upright and balancing on the buttocks.
- EXHALE engage pelvic floor & tummy muscles, draw feet
INHALE lift feet

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Pac-Man |
Also known as: Puckman (JP) This game has hidden developer credits. This game has a prerelease article |
Pac-Man is the story of a yellow circle that runs from ghosts and eats dots, fruit, and keys(!) in 255 identical mazes. The game quickly became extremely popular, being ported to dozens of systems including, most infamously, the Atari 2600.
- 3Version Differences
- 4Regional Differences
Unused Graphics
An unused explosion present with the rest of the graphics. It was removed in Pac-Man Plus and replaced with the 3200-point score sprite.
The graphic is present with what may be its correct palette in the Character Slideshow of Namco Museum Vol. 1, under the name 'Blast'. However, this palette is not present within Pac-Man itself. Jr. Pac-Man would be the only game in the series to ever use the explosion, albeit with two different palettes and several flipped rotations.
Attack Of The Cosmic Egg Boss Mac Os 11
In the game's graphics data, there are three types of dots: the regular ones, the Power Pellets, and an unused medium-sized type in between. The medium dots appear in the code of Pac-Man, Pac-Man Plus, and Ms. Pac-Man, but go unused in all three games. However, as with the Blast, they were later incorporated into Jr. Pac-Man (when a bonus item runs over a regular dot).
Easter Egg
Enter Service Mode, then quickly toggle it off and on. A video alignment grid will appear on the screen. Hold P1 START and P2 START and toggle Service Mode off and on again. If you've done it right, the grid will stay onscreen. Using the joystick, press Up (×4), Left (×4), Right (×4), Down (×4).
The words 'MADE BY NAMCO' should appear on the screen in red Power Pellets. This also appears in Pac-Man Plus, except the pellets are yellow.
Version Differences
Pac-Man Plus
Pac-ManPac-Man Plus |
An 'official' conversion kit released by Bally Midway in 1982. While the fliers for Plus claimed it to be 'A whole new game of surprises!', in reality it's just a small variation of the original Namco code.
- Vulnerable ghosts are now shorter and have a leaf sticking out of their heads(?).
- When moving horizontally, the Ghosts' eyes are one pixel closer together- a change also present in Pac & Pal. The sprites of the ghosts moving upwards also had their eyes moved down by 1 pixel.
- Pac-Man and Super Pac-Man's sprites are touched up, resulting in smoother and cleaner mouths.
- Most of the bonus items (barring the apple and Galaxian Boss) have been redrawn to resemble different foods. For example, the first bonus item resembles a Coca-Cola can.
- The maze is teal green instead of blue.
- The point values of eating an edible ghost are yellow instead of blue, and a '3200' graphic was added (see above).
- Ghosts are faster and more aggressive, increasing the difficulty right off the bat.
- Eating a bonus item causes ghosts to turn both edible and invisible. Invisible ghosts are worth double the normal point values (starting at 400 and ending at 3,200) and their vulnerability time lasts longer than a Power Pellet.
- Eating a Power Pellet is unpredictable, causing one of the following events to occur:
- All four ghosts turn edible, as in the original game.
- Only three ghosts will turn edible, with the fourth changing direction.
- The maze walls turn invisible for the duration of the Pellet or item.
- The maze walls and all remaining dots turn invisible for the duration of the Pellet or item.
- The ghosts turn edible and invisible, like with the bonus items.
Regional Differences
Ghost Names
In the Japanese version, the ghosts' character names are Oikake (追いかけ, chase), Machibuse (まちぶせ, ambush), Kimagure (きまぐれ, fickle), and Otoboke (恍け, playing dumb), fitting their behavior. They are also given nicknames: Akabei from aka (赤, red), Pinky from pinku (ピンク, pink), Aosuke from ao (青, blue), and Guzuta from guzuguzu (ぐずぐず , adjective meaning 'slow' or 'languid'). Their names are different in the North American version, though the pink ghost's nickname was unchanged.
JapanNorth America |
Alternate Ghost Names
Attack Of The Cosmic Egg Boss Mac Os Catalina
The board has a DIP switch called 'Alternate Ghost Names'. In the Japanese version, this would change the ghosts' character names and nicknames to a different set, but in the North American version, the alternate set is dummied out and replaced by one-unique-letter strings in alphabetical order. Interestingly, the alternate character names are used in all versions of Pac-Man Arrangement (1995).
JapanNorth America |
The Pac-Man series | |
Arcade | Pac-Man • Ms. Pac-Man • Super Pac-Man • Professor Pac-Man • Pac & Pal • Jr. Pac-Man • Pac-Land • Pac-Mania Ms. Pac-Man & Galaga: 20 Year Reunion • Pac-Man: 25th Anniversary Edition |
Atari 5200 | Pac-Man • Ms. Pac-Man |
DOS | Pac-Man (1983) • Pac-in-Time |
Intellivision | Pac-Man |
NES | Pac-Man • Pac-Land • Ms. Pac-Man (Tengen) • Ms. Pac-Man (Namco) • Pac-Man Championship Edition |
TurboGrafx-16 | Pac-Land |
Game Boy (Color) | Pac-Man • Pac-Attack • Pac-in-Time • Pac-Man: Special Color Edition • Ms. Pac-Man: Special Color Edition |
Sega Master System | Ms. Pac-Man |
Game Gear | Pac-in-Time |
Genesis | Pac-Mania • Ms. Pac-Man • Pac-Attack • Pac-Man 2: The New Adventures |
SNES | Pac-Attack • Pac-Man 2: The New Adventures • Pac-in-Time • Ms. Pac-Man (Prototype) |
Mac OS Classic | Pac-in-Time |
CD-i | Pac-Panic |
Windows | Pac-Man: Adventures in Time • Ms. Pac-Man: Quest for the Golden Maze • Pac-Man All Stars • Pac-Man World 2 • Pac-Man Championship Edition DX • Pac-Man Championship Edition 2 |
PlayStation | Pac-Man World (Prototypes) • Ms. Pac-Manː Maze Madness (Prototype) |
Nintendo 64 | Ms. Pac-Man: Maze Madness |
Game Boy Advance | Pac-Man Collection • Ms. Pac-Man: Maze Madness • Pac-Man World 2 |
PlayStation 2 | Pac-Man World 2 |
GameCube | Pac-Man World 2 • Pac-Man Vs. • Pac-Man World Rally |
Xbox | Pac-Man World 2 |
Nintendo DS | Pac-Man World 3 |
iOS | Pac-Man (2008) • Pac-Man Remix • Pac-Man (2013) |
Plug & Play | Ms. Pac-Man Collection • Retro Arcade featuring Pac-Man • Pac-Man Connect & Play • Pac-Man Pocket Player |
Xbox 360 | Pac-Man Championship Edition DX |
PlayStation 3 | Pac-Man Championship Edition DX |