1. Open Terminal and enter chflags nohidden Library. From Finder or desktop, hold down Option as you select the Go menu.
  2. AS is built almost totally statically so unless the themes themselves are dynamic executables looking for dynamic runtime libs (which you dont have), there isn't a reason to do what your doing. The themes instructions I see on afterstep.org are pretty clear.

Published: April 25, 2019

Table of contents

  1. Twarc for Mac OS
  2. Twarc for Windows

Before you Begin

  1. Before using Twarc, you will need to register a Twitter application, and have your consumer key, consumer secret, access token, and access token secret on hand.

  2. Twarc requires familiarity with using the command line to navigate your file system, configure Twarc, and run queries. For introductory lessons on using the command line, see these tutorials for Mac and Windows users from the UNLV Libraries, here.

    The Command Line tutorial is part of UNLV Libraries’ Twitter Data Tutorial Series, which features ten tutorials that take you step-by-step through the design, collection, and documentation process of curating a collection of Twitter data, as well as tutorials on tools for data analysis. This series is focused on using Twarc and offers another resource, in addition to this toolkit.

  3. Download and install the latest version of Python, here. Twarc works with with either version 2 or 3.

    If you are a Mac user, you may already have Python installed. To check, open your terminal and run the command:


Today I’m going to tell you a sad tale of a device called the Librem 5 and the company behind it, Purism.As of right now, this story does not have a happy ending. I am writing this series of articles as a protest against the behavior of Purism, a company which claims that transparency and openness are their core values.

Twarc for Mac OS

For Windows users, click here

Installing Twarc

  1. Open the Terminal application (located in the applications folder)
  2. Pip install Twarc by entering the following command:

    Note: Pip is already installed if you are using Python 2 ≥ 2.7.9 or Python 3 ≥ 3.4

    macOS users also have the option of installing Twarc via homebrew using the command:

Configuring Twarc

To get started, you will need to tell Twarc about your application API keys and grant access to one or more Twitter accounts. Follow these directions to configure Twarc:

  1. Enter the following command in Terminal:

  2. Twarc will ask you to enter several keys. You should have these keys ready to go after registering an application.

    Type or copy/paste your consumer key, then press ‘enter’. Next, Twarc will ask for your consumer secret. Type or copy/paste your consumer secret, then press ‘enter’.

  3. Next, Twarc will ask you to log into your twitter account. Copy/paste the provided URL into your browser to authorize your application.

  4. Following the provided URL will bring you to a page that looks something like this:

    Click ‘Authorize app’. A pin number will be provided, Type this pin into your terminal, as seen in step 3, then press ‘enter’.

  5. After entering your pin, your terminal should give a message telling you where your twitter credentials are saved, followed by “Happy twarcing!” This means your twarc installation is configured.

Next, learn the basics of collecting twitter data: Twarc Introductory Lesson

Twarc for Windows

Installing Twarc

  1. Open PowerShell (to open PowerShell, use the taskbar to search for PowerShell and select ‘Windows PowerShell’)
  2. Pip install Twarc by entering the following command:

    Note: Pip is already installed if you are using Python 2 ≥ 2.7.9 or Python 3 ≥ 3.4

Configuring Twarc

To get started, you will need to tell Twarc about your application API keys and grant access to one or more Twitter accounts. Follow these directions to configure Twarc:

  1. Enter the following command in PowerShell:

  2. Twarc will ask you to enter several keys. You should have these keys ready to go after registering an application.

    Type or copy/paste your consumer key, then press ‘enter’. Next, Twarc will ask for your consumer secret. Type or copy/paste your consumer secret, then press ‘enter’.


Next, learn the basics of collecting twitter data: Twarc Introductory Lesson

Meld for OSX

This is a fork of Meld packaged and bundled for OSX. The original website for Meld is here http://meldmerge.org. Minor work has been done to also integrate OSX menu and shortcuts, but the app is truly the original, excellent Meld.

Download OSX dmg file

You may download any of the following versions. The 3.21.0 (r2) is the latest and the recommended version at this point.

  • Version 3.21.0 (r2) Latest (Catalina & Mojave)
  • Version 3.19.2 (r5) (Mojave & High Sierra)
  • Version 3.19.2 (r3) (Mojave & High Sierra)
  • Version 3.19.0 (r1) (Previous stable version - High Sierra)
  • Version 3.16.0 (r1) (Not for High Sierra)
  • Version 3.15.4 (r2) (Not for High Sierra)
  • Version 3.15.2 (r2) (Not for High Sierra)
  • Version 3.13.4 (Not for High Sierra)
  • Version 1.8 (Not for High Sierra)

Tip: A lot of people are asking how to use this package as a git difftool/mergetool.Once installed, edit your ~/.gitconfig and add the following lines

Tip:Meld OSX also understands/checks for the following environment variables.

The theme change can be done by changing the variable in the wrapper script

find the part that says

and change it to

and you'll have a fully dark meld..

Why Meld for Mac/OSX and not Macports/Homebrew

Top reasons behind using this fork over Macports or Homebrew builds:

  • Retina support (check the screenshot!)
  • Latest 3.x series
  • No hassle install (drag/drop like any other app)
  • Integrates with OSX menu
  • Supports standard OSX shortcuts (cmd-c/cmd-v instead of ctrl) (Merged to upstream)
  • Note: Homebrew now installs Meld for OSX


Special Thanks

  • To Kai Willadsen http://meldmerge.org/ for creating Meld.
  • To the Gnome project https://www.gnome.org/
  • To Alex Kras whose web page (How To Run Meld on Mac OS X Yosemite Without Homebrew, MacPorts, or Think) served as my reference for tracking Meld for OSX usage and issues when I had absolutely no time to maintain this.


  • Get rid of the Meld wrapper shell script (this should get rid of all the wrappers needed to run Meld from the terminal)
  • Support Meld localizations (currently only English works)

Suggestions / Issues

If you have a suggestion or you are facing an issue running this Meld fork, please open an issue here https://github.com/yousseb/meld/issues. Please note that your issue has to be specific to the OSX fork and not to Meld itself. I have no plans/time to work on Meld itself.

Contribute to Meld for OSX

  1. Head to https://github.com/yousseb/meld
  2. Fork the repository and clone your fork locally.
  3. Follow the build instructions in https://github.com/yousseb/meld/blob/master/osx/README.md to generate your own dmg.
  4. Do your magic, commit and push to your fork.
  5. Create a pull request.

Not Accepting Donations

I'm not currently accepting donations for the development of this fork. I just missed a proper implementation of Meld on Mac so I thought of creating this fork. If you want to donate, please donate to the original Meld project.

The following is copied from the original Meld page http://meldmerge.org/. Please visit the original project website for more info. For the full help manual, please visit http://meldmerge.org/help/.

What is Meld?

Meld is a visual diff and merge tool targeted at developers. Meld helps you compare files, directories, and version controlled projects. It provides two- and three-way comparison of both files and directories, and has support for many popular version control systems.

Meld helps you review code changes and understand patches. It might even help you to figure out what is going on in that merge you keep avoiding.


  • Two- and three-way comparison of files and directories
  • File comparisons update as you type
  • Auto-merge mode and actions on change blocks help make merges easier
  • Visualisations make it easier to compare your files
  • Supports Git, Bazaar, Mercurial, Subversion, etc.
  • …and more

Meld is licensed under the GPL v2, except as noted

In depth features

File comparison

  • Edit files in-place, and your comparison updates on-the-fly
  • Perform two- and three-way diffs and merges
  • Easily navigate between differences and conflicts
  • Visualise global and local differences with insertions, changes and conflicts marked
  • Use the built-in regex text filtering to ignore uninteresting differences
  • Syntax highlighting
Sad Libs Mac OS

Directory comparison

  • Compare two or three directories file-by-file, showing new, missing, and altered files
  • Directly open file comparisons of any conflicting or differing files
  • Filter out files or directories to avoid seeing spurious differences
  • Simple file management is also available

Version control

  • Meld supports many version control systems, including Git, Mercurial, Bazaar and SVN
  • Launch file comparisons to check what changes were made, before you commit
  • View file versioning statuses
  • Simple version control actions are also available (i.e., commit/update/add/remove/delete files)

Merge mode (in development)

Mac Os Catalina

  • Automatically merge two files using a common ancestor
  • Mark and display the base version of all conflicting changes in the middle pane
  • Visualise and merge independent modifications of the same file
  • Lock down read-only merge bases to avoid mistakes
  • Command line interface for easy integration with existing tools, including git mergetool