2012-2013 The Antique Club: Pictures at an Exhibition. Brian Garcia Timothy Nemzin Daniel Leon Jordan Robison Joshua DeVries David Cole, Lynn University Carol Cole, Lynn University Jon Robertson, Lynn University Jie Ren Lisa Leonard, Lynn University. The exhibition includes 13 images, which are matted in 16 x 20 frames and priced at $120. I’m happy to frame and mail images to anyone outside of New York who’s interested in my work; you can email me and I’ll send over a PDF with thumbnails of the images available.


Albums: Pictures at an Exhibition

Artist: Emerson, Lake and Palmer

Year: 1971

Length: 37:56

Genre: Progressive Rock / Classical Crossover / Live Album

“From seeds of confusion,

Illusions darks blossoms have grown.

Even now in furrows of sorrow

The dance still is sung.”

Since I wrote Tarkus I can say I have officially become an Emerson, Lake and Palmer fan. I was already loving their music but now I can say with certainty this is a band I truly and most definitely like. I found Tarkus for sale on Vinyl and grabbed it immediately. I now own three ELP albums and I can’t wait to dive into more of their music. There’s just a quality to them that I really love. Something about their sound is just pleasant to my ears and their arrangements are fantastic. They were some of the grandfathers of the Prog Rock genre and also one of the best. It seems I really enjoy anything that’s early Prog, but what these bands had that newer Prog bands don’t is a good sense of fun I find. New bands may be technically gifted but I always find myself incredibly bored with them. I’m never bored with a band like ELP and Yes, there’s never a dull moment to be found. They manage to hook you through even during slow moments and this album is a fine example of that power they have over the audience.

Pictures At An Exhibition Mac OS

How fitting is it that a Prog band would take a classical suite and arrange it for their own band to play. Here we have the band performing a live performance of their arrangement of Pictures at an Exhibition by Modest Mussorgsky. I never heard of the original piece before this album so I can’t say much in terms of their adaptation of it but I get a good feeling that they really took the piece and made it their own (even adding lyrics to it). It fits so neatly with their other works I’ve heard that if you told me this was an original piece by the band I would have believed it. They play through the entire suite with delicacy and ease and you can hear that audience listening intently. The album really builds up to its exciting ending of Nutrocker, which was a live staple of theirs. The audience loses their minds when they play it. All that build up they were holding in let out with a sudden release of pure excitement! I can definitely say I was right there with them on that.

This is one I love playing in my apartment. It feels like it fits any mood for me. Whether it be background music as I do chores, lie down on the couch relaxing, listening for pure pleasure or even when I have people over for ambience. I can’t put into words how I feel about this album but know that this has quickly become a favourite. I’m always in awe of the band’s playing and I just bask in its glory everytime I put it on. It never fails to put a smile on my face and any album that can do that is a top album in my books.

Favourite Song: Nutrocker

Pictures At An Exhibition Mac Os 11

– Bosco

Pictures At An Exhibition Mac Os Catalina

Here is me with my album: